Sunday, September 12, 2010

another impromptu evening

Saturdays are normally a day of getting much accomplished. Yesterday was no different. When I finished with all my much needed errands, I came back to the apartment, climbed in bed and starting on the reading for next weeks classes. In the midst of intermarrying and hermaphrodite narratives, the Keys calls me and we plan dinner- at the one and only Freeman's.

Now the reason for including this part of my night out, is because nothing beats Freeman's.

Factoid one: we walked in at 7:30pm, told them two and immediately got seated. SCHWING!
Factoid two: artichoke dip. go. order it. understand.
Factoid three: FABULOUS decor and equally FABULOUS wait staff. you feel at home there.

As Keys and I dished about our pasts, our presents, our futures, and then did some self-congratulations, we realized I had yet to meet her boyfriend, Prince Orchid, in the flesh, and she had yet to meet my Africa. texts ensued and we then awaited the boys arrivals by the bar.

All went well. I love Prince Orchid. She loves Africa. They went their separate way and Africa and I headed to the Webster Hall!!

To remind some of you fair weather friends, I don't always know the bands I'm going to see. Last night, I fibbed and told Africa I totally had known "A MIllion Years" before I looked them up for this show. Blatant lie. I looked up Webster Hall's calendar, mySpaced a Million Years and decided they were worth a try.

When we entered, a very awkward staircase not meant for Barbara Bui inventions, the Studio was packed with an intense mixed crowd. a couch on my right had a couple of 50 yr old, possibly overweight people drinking beer out of a can (PBR if I remember properly). the crod in front of me were a mix of a group of Asia girls for a bachelorette party, some hipster boys with legs the size of my torso, and a strange half dozen girls in half prom dresses, tutus and Converse. Where were we!?!

On stage was a group of 6 boys, Bellevue's Finest , that weren't terribly interesting, but had a FABULOUS green covered man with a curly, red afro and a piano on a strap like a guitar. Highly impressed with his dance moves that included fist pumping, Africa got his attention when he was wondering in the crowd and acquired two free CDs for us, that were scribble on as "Collector's items". Right.

After sitting on some almost leather benches, drinking Heineken from a plastic cup, A Million Years (i almost made a bad choke. you can thank me later) popped onto the stage and took control of the scene. Four guys. And the lead singer not only belted out some catchy tunes, but he played the guitar, and pretty well.

Africa and i danced behind an abnormally tall man and his short girlfriend for a time, bought a t-shirt and split.

Not bad for "impromptu". Who knows... maybe next time I'll bring more than one country. They weren't a bad little group. Check them out.